Saturday, August 22, 2020

Places of the Heart

Art by helldivo at DeviantArt 

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. 
~George Moore

Emptiness has a way of holding a heavy weight within the places of the heart

Like a sinker on a fishing lure

Taking broken men down broken roads

Where all the paved highways lead to every gravel path

It is there that they seek some kind of shelter

but loneliness rips through every room like fire

leaving behind only the silence of rubble in its wake

we lose ourselves in many ways

trying to hold up bridges that are not ours to cross

forgetting where we came from

we head to the same place that took our father so far away

 lost is a place that cannot be found on any map

 we stumble upon it blindly with empty hands

for all the mapped directions that lead to somewhere else

have long since been left in drawers full of other things we never needed

I searched for you in the eyes of others

Wanting to never lose the memory of your smile

It was in that place of longing

Where loss plants the deepest roots

And no matter how high up the tree you climb

It is hard to see beyond that place

It took me years to discover that simple truth

Trying to find my way to you

I lost my own direction

Until I realized

You were already there

In the reflection of my own eyes.

© Carrie Van Horn 2020 


  1. What an exquisite poem, Carrie! Painfully true of so many who learn all too late that the joy was in the journey not the destination. This bears reading again and again so as not to miss a single lovely turn of phrase!

  2. This is amazing. Such a concrete beginning and then...when it gets lost...magnificent. :)

  3. What a tribute this poem is, both to yourself for the journey undertaken, and for that person who became your light on the shore.

  4. Your writer should have looked under the light first. Thats what I did in finding a place on your map to go to.
    This was fun, Carrie, thank you for the prompt. Also, I like to see how the prompter handled the prompt.

    1. I had to go look up your final place as it was new to me.
      No wonde . I found "a mythological place and a metaphor for splendor and opulence under the name Xanadu,..."
      Fooled me!!

  5. "That place of longing where loss plants the deepest roots....." So perfectly said.

  6. As they say, not the journey, but the destination, and also, not the journey, but who goes with you on it...this is a path all too familiar, and the incremental build-up of tension as we follow it is finely drawn, reminding me of all the times I have spent learning ".. lost is a place that cannot be found on any map.."the darkness of that deep and tangled forest, those empty, fire-broken rooms...and the light at the end which comes with the grace of arrival. Lovely poem, Carrie, and one to which I can relate.

  7. "loneliness rips through every room like fire" -- Oooh! Excellent. And this wonderful opening: "Emptiness has a way of holding a heavy weight within the places of the heart" perfect.

  8. Oh the burden of emptiness too many of us must bear.
    Let there be healing dear World

    Happy Sunday Carrie


  9. Life is about the journey of self discovery. Sometimes we can plot the coordinates and sometimes we run wild and lost, seeking the compass that will lead us home. So many
    wonderful lines Carrie.


  10. This is really good! I enjoyed the way you examined loss. True life lessons here, for sure. I especially liked - “ trying to hold up bridges that are not ours to cross” This was the story of my life until I was free. Exquisite. Will read again and again.

  11. I am speechless at the exquisiteness of this poem. I have read it twice. The ending stands out in polishing the poem, but I also loved this line, “lost is a place that cannot be found on any map.”

  12. Your poem is beautiful and wise and deep and thought-provoking .... and as Sara said, exquisite.
