Friday, October 18, 2024

I Have an Announcement: We All Get the Invitation, No RSVP Necessary.


Photo source ~here~

Linking with one of my favorite prompts: Shay's Word Garden Word List "Book of the Dead".
Come join us!  

Because I could not stop for Death –
He kindly stopped for me –
The Carriage held but just Ourselves –
And Immortality....
~Emily Dickinson

I speak of death

 like I know it well,

 always pulling at its shirt in public,

 like it is my mother and I a timid child.

But I still hate it,

much like a sad teenager views life,

or an old man his symptoms.

It is crashing thunder

 and everything I wish I hadn’t remembered at 2 am:

unsafe ladders, a box of matches near an open flame,

 all that hurts and takes away!

Then like bells that ring of morning,

there I am trailing behind it like it is my father and I am 9 years old.

I have spent my life all too aware of its existence and how it looks to take a final breath.

Unwilling to forget, yet, in a constant state of trying!

A heart can become weary dodging every invitation and risk,

but I have also learned that staying clear of everything is in itself another form of loss. 


  1. Beautifully expressed, and wise. Wonderful imagery. So moving, Carrie.

  2. Hey, Carrie made it! Yay! Your final line is true indeed. Some say that the knowledge that we will all die some day is what gives life its urgency. If we had eternity to do things, make changes, learn things, and do better, then we would probably never attach much value or importance to much of anything. As I get older, I just don't have time or patience for BS. I want to write that poem, talk to that friend, play with my dog, read that book, while I can!

  3. This is a tender, moving piece, Carrie. I like your ending.

  4. Yes, much truth wrapped up in your final lines, Carrie. Well said! Here's to living life <3

  5. Wise words, Carrie. I think you have made a good point in your last stanza. Staying clear of everything (out of fear?) is indeed a loss. We don't want everything to pass us by or ourselves to pass everything by. Time to live the life we have now!

  6. A brilliant extended metaphor that drives home the haunting irritant and threat that is death.So well done, Carrie.

  7. Troubles are always amplified and insurmountable at 2am. Your final lines here are so good and you did a great job with the word list.
    p.s. I love your horses and elephants.
