Saturday, May 18, 2024

A Good Writer Walks Through the Puddle,


Linking with Shay's Word Garden Word List

I can't believe I made it! Trying to write has been a true grizzly bear lately!!!
Thank you Shay for keeping the word list alive and thriving!

A good writer doesn’t run from bears; no, a good writer goes to where the bears are. He watches them in their habitat and how they have evolved looking for clues on what makes them tick, or what makes him run, or possibly how close the nearest freeway is if he has to get to his desktop computer in one piece.

A brilliant writer doesn’t avoid the hospital; no, a brilliant writer puts himself in the thick of it to have his dying character’s perspective. It could be exposing himself to the most recent flu, or jumping in front of a Camero.  Either one can work if he is lucky.

An amazing writer doesn’t keep to himself with his eyes closed; no, an amazing writer stays starry-eyed focusing head on to every Godzilla! Touching his furry coat while singing a Blondie song costing the lives of children while leading him into central park to see if he strikes a muse or maybe a building nearby.

A fantastic writer doesn’t go into public luxuriously looking well kept; no, he ventures out dumpy-looking to appear like he has been busy at the keyboard with no time for anything else. He can only hope no agents or publishers are at the pharmacy when he finally picks up his meds. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Sara for reading it. I so enjoyed yours as well!

  2. I liked that last stanza too!! An excuse to go out looking "dumpy." LOL. At least people will know that one has been 'busy.' But alas, you are right, if there is an agent out there, the agent probably would not be impressed with the 'busy' writer's appearance!

    1. LOL and I do go out looking dumpy and I agree an agent may be impressed by the fact they look like they have been busy for sure. Thank you Mary! I am wanting to participate sometime at What's Going On too. :-)

  3. Love this! That last stanza speaks to me and about me. :)

    1. Thank you so much Susie and yes it speaks of me too. :-)

  4. A Blondie song costing the lives of children? WUT?!?

    1. LOL it is leading him into central park that could cost the lives of children....Blondie songs would never be so cruel. :-) my wording probably made that more confusing.

  5. I so enjoyed this, especially the last stanza........the Poet disguised as an Observer, out in the world, looking for inspiration. I totally love it. I miss your poetry, kiddo. Lovely to read you.

    1. Awww thank you Sherry. I have been a dry well for a while but had a funny thought and kept it going this time. I do hope to be back sometime soon. I want to do you and Mary's prompt too, just having trouble managing my time too.

  6. What a hoot! Wearing pajamas is probably required, too, at least I hope so. :-D I'm so glad to see you posting, Carrie!

  7. P.S. I love those photos and quotes you have on your side bar!

  8. So much fun to read, Carrie, and starry-eyed I was by the end! Man, we writers are amazing!

  9. Thank you everyone, I know this one was a bit on the silly side....just felt like keeping it light and ran with it. I hope to be able to get back again one week soon.

  10. "a good writer goes to where the bears are." Yes! Exactly!!

    1. I guess this makes me a bad writer. I avoid bears. LOL Hope all is going well for you Qbit and that you are not working too hard!
