Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Spoiled Apples Presents: An Interview with Karen & Her New Movie


In an interview with actors on the set of Submerged Submarines Are Not for Drunken Sailors,

 we were shockingly fascinated by the little things happening behind the scenes on the big set.

We spoke with Karen Thorngate playing Natasha,

 the leading role as love interest of Lance Weakley played by Bruce Nadaville.

Karen complained of the gaping holes behind the main stage where her stilettos were getting caught so deeply that she almost broke her diamond necklace and peculiar stains on evening gowns that could only be explained by dirt behind the set, and not the muddy kind!

She went on to say how she avoided Bruce between takes due to his over-sized ego, bad breath, and countless ummmms, but not necessarily in that order. Karen threw in a hair fling and laugh while saying, all he talked about was what true stage presence should be and his heroic journey to the top!  It was all dreadful, she grumbled; checking her lipstick and hair as she shook her head in disgust.

The cops and firemen had been called several times before filming due to a pyro porcupine according to Jim the prop man. (Evidently the porcupine was on to something.)  Shockingly in the investigation it was confirmed that Jim was Karen’s secret love interest in real life.  It was a hot and steamy affair; hotter and more dangerous than the sushi Stella from the makeup crew left under the vanity lights.

It seems that there were a lot more things stinking than the reviews the movie got from Rotten Tomatoes.

Next week we will be talking with Jack Schmitt the Third, the star of A Fool and His Basket Balls.  He will be featuring his special costumes for the stunts he does himself juggling balls of fire with his eyes closed while reciting Haikus.

Here is one now:

Look to the sky now

the balls fly like blackbirds do

but balls always fall.

Linking with Shay's Word Garden Word List #16 (Donald Barthelme)


  1. Double shockinglys. Jack the third better be careful. And haiku, aauuughhh! Putting on my protective goggles. This was fun, Carrie.

    1. I am glad you enjoyed it Shay! It was fun to write. 😁

  2. Nice ~it has all the complicated ingredients of a real soap opera

  3. That ending killed me. This is hilarious Carrie, and so much fun to read.

    1. Thank you so much Joy! I am glad you found it hilarious. That was what I was shooting for. :-)

  4. You kids are too funny. Really excellent work.

  5. Got to watch those gaping holes in the floor, they are floors revenge on high heels. After a heel hole mark in ours we outlawed them in our house. I may sneak over to check for another episode of this one.
    "OKAY, this will be my LAST post until April or later. Wanderlust has captured me. And the BUCKET LIST is real for me, I've not ten more years for sure and perhaps not even five. Five would be okay with me.
    And fine for checking on me being gone. I will be really thin on Facebook also. Until?


  6. Such an entertaining read, Carrie! I think there's a lot of Karens who could relate to this! :-D

    1. I am glad you enjoyed it Sunra, and yes the Karens of the world definitely could! LOL

  7. Great, LOL! We all did theater/actors!

    1. You are right! I think that makes it hilarious in every way! I really enjoyed all the poems yours included!
