Monday, June 15, 2020

Where the Grandest Ships Sail

"Perfect Balance" Surreal Art Photography by Luisa Azevedo

Linking with the Sunday Muse for Muse # 112
Come join us it will be up through Friday!

“You are a beautiful soul hidden by the trench coat of the ego.”
 ~Mike Dolan,

Our eyes see the flesh on bone
The brick on drywall
And they follow the leaves that flow on a subtle breeze
Winds our eyes can never glimpse
For some deep oceans flow beyond the shore’s view
The soul has ships that sail there
The knowing of eternity turns the hull
The unknowing keeps it’s secret well
Yet the elk the elephant
And the long-eared owl hold that knowledge
as nature always does
knowing the balance of heaven and earth
they carry it onward like a captain at the helm
understanding the traveled map
of where they are heading
and wence they came.

© Carrie Van Horn 2020


  1. So beautiful! I love "The soul has ships that sail there / the knowing of eternity turns the hull." Wonderful!

  2. Animals holding knowledge is such an awesome thought and of course they know so much more than mere humans. Nicely done Ms. Carrie.


  3. This is quite serene and balanced. Love the calm wisdom of the elk, the elephant and the long-eared owl. Beautiful!

  4. "The unknowing keeps it’s secret well" - beautiful!

  5. Animals are true holders of knowledge and peace.

  6. An altogether more positive view of the image than the view I took.... Fabulously done as always.. :) Thanks for stopping by

  7. Carrie, this is sooo fine, I didn't want it to end. We've sailed a lot, mostly on cruise ships. I love your "oceans" and their being mapped. And the "The soul has ships that sail there."
    Thank you for hosting and finding us really good art from which to find inspiration.
    I'm old, 86, maybe that's why I like Van Gogh so much. Plus we stayed at St. Remy, Provence, France (town where he institutionalized himself after having cut his ear off) where his olive garden and sanitorium are still there. Our shoes stirred the same dusty paths quite often that week.
    Keep up your good work and I hope you are staying well.

  8. This is beautiful... I missed it last week, but I feel today was the day I needed to read it.
