Saturday, December 14, 2019

3 Prayer Poems

Linking with the Sunday Muse for Muse # 86

The Lord longs to hear all of our concerns — any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden. ~Corrie Ten Boom

Conversations with God,

Beautifully spoken prayers
Echo on cathedral walls
And no matter how softly uttered
God hears them one and all
But there is no prayer so lovely
As the prayer of a heart in need
Hungry for healing
And longing for a certain peace
 So cast your prayers to heaven
Like hungry fishermen at sea
Belt it out in a wheat field
Or in a garden on your knees
For some sit in pews only on Sundays
To say their weekly prayers
But God longs for us daily
To commune with him our every care.


A Poet's First Prayer,

Give your heart to something true
Pray hard for wings to fly
Remember when you were nine years old
With faith bigger than the sky
Father was nowhere to be found
And mother was too weak
I learn to pray for something more
For a life I wished to keep
When I was at the age of ten
I decided I wanted to be a nun
Living a life of sacrifice
Being true to everyone
Then one day I wrote a poem
And I felt hope within my breasts
A prayer I prayed in silence
Was answered and I was blessed
The freedom of having a voice
was a gift from beyond this world
that carried me over mountains
to a woman from a girl.


Prayers & Sparrows,

Prayers and sparrows
Fly sure and true
Feathered in lovely hope
We do not always see it
But away they surely go
The flight of miracles
Tender but still not tame
But though we do not see it
it happens just the same.


  1. Check you out, Miss Prolific! Three for one, just like you said, and just like the trinity too. Lovely stuff, my friend!

    1. Awwww thank you Shay! You made my day! I really loved the image and your rhyming poem had a powerful message too!

  2. Prayer served up in threes is just what I needed right this minute. It wasn't until I discovered religion and spirituality as an adult that I realized I'd been praying all the time as a child.

    1. Children always hold a greater faith even when they are unaware. That is a lovely realization and memory Susan!

  3. Those sparrows are lovely! The mix of voice and hope and flight is beautiful.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Elise! It is wonderful to see you here.

  5. So gorgeous and tenderly rendered - each one. Makes me ashamed of the one I wrote!

    1. Your poetry is always lovely Margaret! I look forward to reading it! And thank you for your sweet comment! 😍

  6. Replies
    1. A trinity of each one...The last one is especially delightful.

    2. Thank you Susie. I am so glad you joined in this time!

  7. Very impressed ~~ all three equal in beauty, intent.
