Saturday, September 7, 2019

Tequila Breath Can Kill Ya

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Linking with the Sunday Muse for Muse # 72
Come join us!

"Most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it."
~ George R. R. Martin

I have kissed a lion on the face more than once
a whisper of closeness to danger
if not a roar
for every day I lived with an alcoholic
was a roller coaster ride with no seat belt
a slippery road with bad tires
crossing a busy street legally blind
kayaking wild seas with whales
or living on the coast during hurricane season
it’s a risky business with nothing to profit
unless you’re into pain
with time it becomes easier to stick your head out
and into the lion’s mouth
when you learn to live a lie
you can cover your eyes at the scary parts
but that does not change the outcome
yes, I have kissed a lion on the face many times
more times than I care to admit
now I prefer the simplicity
of living
 only with the true love of a dog
a tell it like it is parakeet
and a cup of strong coffee for one.


  1. Love the title, Carrie. So happy you have moved on if this isn't fiction. You're an amazing person with much to give, love ya!

  2. Dearest Carrie. You must have had a hard time or have a great imagination. Perhaps you have both, but you are very talented.:)

    1. Awwww thank you Eddie. I have been on more than one roller coaster. LOL

  3. The line "you can cover your eyes at the scary parts" leapt out at me; that necessary opening one's eyes before change struck home.

    1. Yes it is never good to cover our eyes too long LOL Thanks Chrissa!

  4. The lion tamer "with time it becomes easier to stick your head out / and into the lion’s mouth" knowing just how far to go and when to pull back again so you don't get your head chewed off.

    1. Very true and that is why I could never be one. LOL So glad you joined us today Lori! 😎

  5. YES! I lived with alcoholics as a child, and then again with a man when I was in my twenties. A nightmare. Which makes solitude and peace and the devoted love of a dog just perfect. I love he imagery in this poem, Carrie. A wonderful write.

    1. We share many things in this life Sherry. I hope you enjoy peace and are able to have a dog now. Every dog deserves a wonderful companion like you! 😍

  6. This is an amazing story of a life lived on the edge of death. Excellent, Carrie!

    1. Thanks so much Sara! We all have made it this far. Bravo for us all. :-)

  7. Oh Carrie, I know your situation and how chalenging it is. I am sorry that sweet picture took you to that place. Bravo to you for enduring!

  8. Thank you Rob, and yes that sweet looking picture seemed to take me down the darker path. LOL
