Monday, December 27, 2021

Above Bullshit & Silence


Linking with Shay's Word Garden Word List #6 (Laura Marling) 

Come join us!

I held my love like a wounded bird

Wings broke from life’s fickle ways

The skin of my heart bruised

From fallen words

Spoken on lonesome lips

Yet I still write poems of love like a song of blues

For I am a hunter of truth in a wild land

Searching for warmth in December

For holy in the lost places

Crying for sand and sea in the waste land of dust

I ring bells trying to be heard above bullshit and silence

For that is what poets and lovers do.


  1. One of your best, Carrie. Spectacular imagery. I would have to quote the whole poem. I love it!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you for another wonderful list and prompt Shay!

    2. My pleasure! So glad you like it and are part of it!

  3. “Searching for warmth in December” ... Girl, come down South. I swear, it’s been tanning weather here for the past three days.

    The second-to-last line is my favorite. <3

    1. LOL I do know all too well ..I am right in the heart of that same heat.🔥⛄🤣 Glad you stopped by * .

  4. I too enjoy a reprieve from our "wild land" quarrels, name calling, and worse by writing. Helps me keep my head above the drowning line.
    Temperature wise, I am also enjoying with you guys our warm-so-far winter weather.

    1. It definitely has been a warm December. Happy New Year Jim!

  5. i really like the imagery in this, and the moon... enjoyed very much

  6. Really beautiful, Carrie! It had a lovely balance between a feeling of loss and searching and yet so many comforting sensations too. I love these lines:

    "I ring bells trying to be heard above bullshit and silence
    For that is what poets and lovers do."

  7. So glad you liked it Lisa and thank you for stopping by.

  8. There are some great lines in here! "I held my love like a wounded bird", "For holy in the lost places", and "I ring bells trying to be heard above bullshit and silence" are my favorites
