Friday, June 12, 2020

Are We There Yet?

Written for the Word Crafter Prompt ~ The Road Ahead

"The more side roads you stop to explore, the less likely that life will pass you by".
 ~Robert Brault

It has been 33 years since our family vacation to California.  A grand trip with 4 kids and 2 adults, in a two-tone blue suburban.  We headed out on the open road ready to see the sites along the way.  Carlsbad Caverns to the Grand Canyon and on to Disney Land.  It was a wonderful trip, full of new adventures, with joy and excitement, yet in between those times, during the long drive time, came the dreaded question, “are we there yet?”  During the time we drove from one destination to the other had a way of feeling like it took forever for the kids and sometimes me as well.   Their Dad and I would 
always answer with an annoyed NO, but eventually we made it there with a smile on our face.

Life is like that isn’t it? A journey that takes us onward to a destination that we may not be able to see just yet, and it seems like we will never get there.  We cannot help but ask ourselves, are we there yet? The truth is, we are already there.  The journey is now, and the lessons in front of us brings growth as we keep moving forward. 

Truly in this life, the destination ahead is secondary, and dependent upon the very journey we are on right at this moment.  We are all heading somewhere in our lives, and hoping for better things.  It might not be Disney Land nor the Grand Canyon, but it is somewhere we are meant to go.  Keeping that in mind, let’s enjoy the ride, and appreciate the sites along the way.   You ask, “are we there yet?”.  My answer is “yes, we are right where we are meant to be.”

© Carrie Van Horn 2020

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