Saturday, November 2, 2019

Trying To Fill a Grand Canyon In My Heart

 Photography by Oladios
"I can't see the end of me."
Photo HERE 

Linking with the Sunday Muse for Muse # 80
It would complete me if you would join us....well maybe not, but it would make me happy!

He who travels in search of something which he has not got, travels away from himself and grows old even in youth among old things. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson  

When I was 8 years old and looking at my world
 I would dream of perfect places
Living a life I wish I knew
Building a world only my eyes could see

Trying to fill a Grand Canyon in my heart

Years later when I was married and looking in the mirror
I tried to build a perfect place
That all the world could see
Living a life I wish I truly knew

Trying to fill a Grand Canyon in my heart

Now that I am older and looking beyond myself
I have learned that to find fulfillment
I must first be content and honest with who I am
To build a life of purpose that brings me joy

For trying to fill a Grand Canyon in my heart
Has only left me weary and unable to see
What was truly missing all along.


  1. I feel that I could read this over and over again, it is wisdom with gentleness and a perfect morning read.

  2. That canyon runs deep and wide, expectations often leave one empty. I think the canyon
    now is filled with wisdom from within. Beautiful thoughtful interpretation of the image.


  3. I’m glad of the way this poem unfolded. Finding purpose is the only way to live any kind of life.

  4. The refrain runs like a song through this poem. Being content with what is truly you is the largest content there is. Sometimes it is a long journey


  5. Oh how we struggle to be more than self, create an image for the world we can't truly live with. I am glad you found the truth in being beautifully you.

  6. I can almost sense the aching in this piece. Hopefully we all can find contentment.. :)

  7. I read this several times, and it occurs to me how much time we spend searching, and not living.

  8. Beautiful poem, Carrie. I can relate.
